It is the jewel in the crown of events spaces at Kabira Country Club. Ideal for wedding receptions, it is divided into an upper and lower section with an overall capacity to seat 500 guests.
One may sit upstairs or downstairs, around a platform stage complete with a podium, stage lights and cameras to transmit images below to the upper gallery via several liquid-crystal display (LCD) screens.
These LCD screens are carefully positioned to ensure nothing obstructs a guest’s view of proceedings downstairs or anywhere else in the hall.
The Ballroom’s sitting arrangements can be setup into a number of different configurations to enable a wide variety of events.
It is equipped with a pantry, a bar section with direct access to washrooms.
It has 6 outlets (or inlets, depending on whether you are coming or going) with emergency exits all around.
Seating Capacity: 400
Multi-Image Staging
Video Equipment
Translation Service
High Speed Internet Service
Public Address System
Sound Reinforcement
Flip Board
LCD Projector
Plasma Video Screen
Fishbone Table Setup
U-Shape Table Setup
Oval Table Setup
V-Shape Table Setup
Row Shape Table Setup
Seating Plan

Capacity: 300

Capacity: 250

Capacity: 350

Capacity: 400

Class Room
Capacity: 300

Board Room
Capacity: 250

U Shape
Capacity: 250

Hollow Square
Capacity: 250